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The fall 2018 anime season has officially begun. As of this week, a bunch of new series and movies have begun airing on Netflix, Amazon, Crunchyroll, Funimation, and HiDive. With all the new anime, we've outlined what we think you need to add to your watch list.Bloom Into You is a must watch. This love story between two high school girls also addresses the pressures of living with low self-worth and the struggles of understanding asexual love. Despite the heaviness of the story's drama, there are both brief snippets of hilarity and quiet moments of internal resilience that draw you into the changing dynamic between the second-year student council president who can't escape her dead sister's shadow and the young first-year who dreams of falling in love but doesn't feel the emotions that love stories say a young girl should. Bloom Into You is debuting exclusively on HiDive (in both Japanese and English dub) and premiers on October 5. This fall, HiDive is also airing episodes of the English dub of Princess Principal, one of the best anime from 2017.You should also add Crunchyroll's Goblin Slayer to your queue--especially if you're a fan of Dark Souls. Goblin Slayer is a dark fantasy about an inexperienced priestess, called Priestess, who's saved by a male adventurer named Goblin Slayer after her entire party is gruesomely butchered in front of her. Goblin Slayer is a bloody story that repeatedly offers up scenes where its characters are left with eyes full of despair, but the show is not without its charm. The series begins airing on October 6.Other anime to look out for are That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and SSSS Gridman. The former launched on October 1, with the original Japanese version on Crunchyroll and the English dub on Funimation. The latter comes out on Funimation on October 6. Slime is an isekai--a story where a normal person is transported to another world--that's about pretty much exactly what the name implies, and Studio Trigger's Gridman is an anime remake of Gridman the Hyper Agent, a series about three kids creating a video game superhero. Golden Kamuy and Netflix's Castlevania also return with second seasons this fall, the former on October 8 and the latter on October 26.The full list of anime series and movies that have been confirmed to premier this fall on Amazon, Crunchyroll, Funimation, HiDive, and Netflix are listed below. We'll update the list if additional titles are announced.Fall 2018 Anime Release Date Schedule (U.S.)AmazonOctober 5 Boarding School JulietSo Many Colors In The Future What A Wonderful WorldOctober 11 Le Cirque de KarakuriCrunchyrollOctober 1 That Time I Go Reincarnated as a SlimeOctober 3 RErideD: Derrida, who leaps through timeOctober 4 Zombieland SagaOctober 5 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden WindOctober 6 Goblin SlayerRadiantSword Art Online: AlicizationOctober 7 Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist KnightOctober 8 Golden Kamuy (Season 2)October 12 Senran Kagura Shinovi MasterFunimationOctober 1 Space Battleship Tiramisu Zwei (Season 2)That Time I Go Reincarnated as a SlimeOctober 6 Ace Attorney (Season 2)SSSS GridmanOctober 8 Golden Kamuy (Season 2)October 9 Tokyo Ghoul:re (Season 2)HiDiveOctober 1 The Girl in TwilightOctober 5 Bloom Into YouOctober 7 Release The SpyceNetflixOctober 3 Violet Evergarden: SpecialOctober 15 The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The CommandmentsOctober 26 Castlevania (Season 2)October 30 Fate/EXTRA Last Encore: Illustrias Geocentrism TheoryInfo from
THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games have released a new trailer for Darksiders 3, the upcoming entry in the video game series about the four horsemen of the apocalypse. This newest Darksiders game focuses on the third horsemen, Fury, who's the sister to the series' previous protagonists, War and Death.The new trailer offers the first look at Fury's Force Hollow, one of the four forms she can switch between in the game. With each new Hollow, Fury can change her appearance, power set, and available weaponry. In Force Hollow, Fury's hair glows purple and she's able to walk along crystalized walls. She also gains access to a powerful hammer that doubles as a battle axe. An earlier trailer revealed Fury's Flame Hollow, which covers her hair in a burning blaze and allows her to propel herself through the air as a fireball. It also gives her the ability to sheathe her weapons in flame and wield speedy nunchucks.In Darksiders 3, Fury, the leader of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, is tasked by The Charred Council to restore the balance between heaven and earth by hunting down and destroying the Seven Deadly Sins. Although Darksiders 3 incorporates much of the series' hack-'n-slash gameplay, Fury--as a mage--is able to pull off a wider variety of magical attacks and special abilities. Because of this, Darksiders 3 plays out a lot more like a Dark Souls game in comparison to Darksiders and Darksiders 2.Darksiders 3 launches on November 27 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game comes in Standard, Deluxe, Blades & Whip, Collector's, and Apocalypse Editions. If you pre-order any edition of Darksiders 3, you'll get access to an exclusive armor set, and pre-ordering the Deluxe or Blades & Whip Editions gives you early 24-hour access to the game.Info from
Even three weeks after launch, Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion feels, in some ways, overwhelming. For all but the most dedicated players, it was nearly impossible to be prepared for the Raid in the 10 days between launch and its release. That's partially the fault of now-resolved issues that prevented players from leveling up properly, but it's also indicative of just how far Destiny 2 has swung in the "hardcore" direction. However, a strong foundation of more accessible activities coupled with an engaging new campaign and a fantastic new mode in Gambit help make up for prohibitive level restrictions in the late game. After two disappointing expansions, this is the best shape Destiny 2 has been in--you just have to be patient with it.Whereas the Red War arc in the base game relied on an overtly evil supervillain to drive the story forward, Forsaken's story is built around less noble pursuits. Cayde's death at the beginning of the campaign starts you off on a journey for revenge, which means hunting down and killing those responsible: eight Barons, powerful enemies from the new Scorn race. The boss-focused structure and darker tone make for a more interesting and varied campaign where each mission feels like a necessary step rather than busy work with no clear narrative purpose. That said, it's not so involved that you can't run through the missions with others and talk over some of the dialogue without losing track of what your goals are, either.Most of the main story missions take place in a new destination, the Tangled Shore. Each of the Barons has their own personality traits, with some being especially memorable; the Rider rides around on a souped-up Pike and cackles as she takes shots at you, while the Trickster's mission is littered with bombs that look like engrams. A new vendor named Spider (a Fallen mob boss you're forced into an alliance with against the Scorn) adds more color to these missions, too, manipulating you into doing his bidding around the Tangled Shore as you go.The entry-level portion of the game can take 10 or so hours with some grinding in between, depending on whether you go solo or with a Fireteam of one or two others. Once you finish that campaign, you unlock the second destination, the Dreaming City. The level requirements jump quite a bit, which means a good amount of grinding--completing Weekly Challenges for Powerful gear--to get there. Depending on how dedicated you are, this can either be a laid-back process over time or a grueling one over a few days.As is the case with Destiny 2 in general, the strength of its shooting mechanics and the lure of new weapons and armor help to offset the repetition inherent to the mid-game grind structure. If you don't mind taking things slightly more slowly, you also don't have to do any weeklies you find tedious, like replaying old story missions. It is a bit weird to go back to older content, like Strikes, where Cayde is still alive, but it's easy to overlook in a game where you can kill the same bosses over and over.The standout addition to the rotation is Gambit, a part-PvP, part-PvE mode that has you competing with an enemy team on mostly separate maps. Your main goal is to kill AI-controlled enemies, collect the motes they drop, and bank those motes to summon a final boss before the other team summons and kills theirs. Along the way, members from each team will have the opportunity to invade the other map and score PvP kills to screw with their opponents' progress. It's a creative combination of Destiny's various existing modes, and having to juggle both your side of the map and the other team's progress--and frantically trying to hide when an invader comes--makes for hectic matches that are consistently fun with or without friends, as well as a great way to level up regardless of your commitment.When you complete the campaign, you also get the Cayde's Will quest to unlock the Exotic hand cannon Ace of Spades. The quest takes you from Gambit to the Crucible to Strikes to a few different planets, mostly using hand cannons, and then finally to a story mission. We won't spoil it here, but it's a smart end to the quest, pairs well with the main story, and raises intriguing lore questions. Ace of Spades itself is also just a worthwhile weapon to get; it packs a serious punch and has an entertaining reload animation to top it off.After about a week of playing and leveling daily, I was in good shape to tackle what the Dreaming City has to offer. It's a gorgeous area, with gleaming bridges and sparkling crystal structures. It's also full of Taken, and different portals can take you to different planes--even after three weeks and content that unlocked after the Raid was first completed, it still has an air of mystery about it. There's also more content that was released even after the post-Raid unlocks, and it may continue to refresh as the weeks go on. Even after three weeks and content that unlocked after the Raid was first completed, the Dreaming City still has an air of mystery about itThe Dreaming City's two main activities are the Blind Well and the Ascendant Challenge. The Blind Well is a high-level horde-style public event that comes in a few tiers of difficulty. Even if you're with a Fireteam, you'll likely have to wait around a bit for a few people to show up before you can start the harder tiers, and then you have to hope they know what they're doing. It's frustrating when you're not gelling with randoms and end up failing, but it's extra gratifying when you do sync up with a group and complete the higher tiers. The Ascendant Challenge, on the other hand, is not public and is best tackled with a Fireteam. It changes each week (so far) and can include things like platforming activities or challenging boss fights in a creepy, Taken-filled alternate plane.Completing both nets you a few pieces of high-level gear, which is always a strong incentive this close to the endgame. But even three weeks after launch, it was difficult to get a Raid crew together. Three of us were playing and leveling at a fast pace (the highest was 568, while myself and one other person were hovering just below 550), two were playing relatively often between other work duties (both around 535), and one was splitting time between PC and PS4 (and was severely underleveled at 513 but powering through it admirably). We were able to take on the first encounter of the Raid, but the severe spikes in level requirements nearly made it impossible. Like other Destiny Raids, though, the communication, teamwork, and skill required to succeed makes for an intensely satisfying experience. It's just frustrating that it's been such an uphill battle to get there.There is a lot to do in Forsaken, so much so that it can be difficult to see it all. That also means that, for the average player, this expansion has a much longer tail than previous iterations of Destiny 2. The variety and flexibility of activities established in the base game still work to make grinding a good time, and Gambit adds a consistently entertaining mode to the roster. The endgame, while difficult to reach, is also where the most satisfaction can be found.Info from
Anyone who's played a Mario Party game in the past 20 years has a good idea of what to expect from Switch's Super Mario Party, but Nintendo's latest offers a few new modes that each add their own creative spin on the tried-and-true formula. In many ways, Super Mario Party feels smaller than previous games in the series, but added layers of strategy and clever, fun minigames help keep it lively and fresh.The fierce competitive nature of the series' earliest titles is back, as Super Mario Party ditches Mario Party 9 and 10's cooperative car mechanic and once again pits players against each other in a race for Stars. The overall goal in Super Mario Party is to earn five Gems, which you get after completing each of the game's five major offline modes: Mario Party, Partner Party, Challenge Road, River Survival, and Sound Stage.Mario Party mode features the series' classic formula of bite-sized games interspersed between rounds of board game hijinks. Your character is still placed on a board with three others where you'll all race after Toadette and her collection of Stars. The biggest change is the introduction of character dice blocks; while previous Mario Party games utilized virtual 10-sided dice, now every character has two dice blocks, one six-sided and the other unique to them, and you have to decide which one to use each turn. The six-sided die rolls a one through six, while each character die comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.For example, Mario's has a number three on three of its sides, while the remaining three sides are one, five, and six. In comparison, the devilish gambler Wario has a special die where two of the sides cause him to lose two coins, but the other four sides are sixes. For the first time in a Mario Party game, your choice of character is more than just aesthetic, and figuring out the best time to use a specific dice block adds a level of strategy to what's typically been an act of randomness.Each of the game's four boards requires slight tweaks to your strategy for reaching the Star, but they're all small, and most don't take advantage of their unique makeups. Whomp's Domino Ruins, for example, features Whomps who will block your path down certain shortcuts. The board only has two Whomps, though, so you don't encounter them very often, and even when you do, the board is small enough that taking the long way around won't put you at much of a disadvantage. Super Mario Party's four boards don't feel distinct, so your strategy for each one won't be all that different. And since there are only four boards in total to pick from, Mario Party mode grows stale fairly quickly.There are a total of 80 minigames in Super Mario Party, putting it just behind Mario Party 6, 7, and 9 in terms of quantity. Of the 80 minigames, nearly half rely on the motion control or rumble features in the Switch's Joy-Cons. Don't fret; both the motion and rumble features work surprisingly well, and it makes for some of the most cleverly designed games in the Mario Party series. For example, in Fiddler on the Hoof, you and three others race horses, and making a pulling back motion with the Joy-Con to simulate whipping the reins increases your score if you move with the beat of the song that's playing. In Nut Cases, you and a partner need to outwit the other team by claiming the five boxes that have the most walnuts inside them. You get an idea as to a box's contents by picking it up and measuring the severity of your Joy-Con's vibration. As Super Mario Party only supports motion control with a single Joy-Con, you won't be able to play the game in handheld mode or with a Pro Controller.Partner Party mode is Super Mario Party's reimagining of Mario Party 6's Team Battle mode. The rules are similar to Mario Party mode, but there are more paths around the board, and you need to actually land on Toadette's spot to get a Star instead of just collecting it while passing by. The minor obstacles from Mario Party mode become trickier to get past in Partner Party because you need to remain mindful of both you and your partner. Paying to move Whomp out of the way might get you to the Star more quickly, but doing so could trap other players, including your teammate. There's the possibility of winning the next minigame and earning enough coin to buy an item to free them, but that's no guarantee. This type of consideration and amount of forethought simply doesn't exist in Mario Party mode.Two of the other major modes, River Survival and Sound Stage, are new to the Mario Party franchise. The former has you working together with three others to survive a trip down a dangerous river while playing Co-op minigames, while the latter is an energetic dance competition where you solely play Rhythm minigames. Both River Survival and Sound Stage offer fun, albeit brief, alternatives to the staple Mario Party formula. The Co-op and Rhythm minigames are also some of the best in the Mario Party series, especially the Rhythm ones like Fiddler on the Hoof, that have you actually standing up and moving around to match the groove of the game's characters. Both Co-op and Rhythm minigames lack the heated competition of other head-to-head minigames, but they do pump up a room.Super Mario Party's final major mode, Challenge Road, is the closest the game has to a single-player campaign, but it only opens up once you've unlocked all 80 minigames. The mode has you play through every single minigame with specific handicaps placed on you to make each one harder. For example, a racing minigame might challenge you to get first place without running into any of the track's hazards. This mode comes very close to giving Super Mario Party just the amount of challenge the game would need to increase its longevity, but unfortunately it buckles. If you fail at a challenge three times, the game asks you if you'd like to just skip it. You can always come back and beat the challenge later if you want, but the mode never punishes you for skipping any of the minigames. As long as you get to the end of the road, regardless if you skipped a dozen challenges to get there, you'll still earn one of the five Gems you need.Super Mario Party also has several smaller modes and features that aren't tied to earning the Super Star title. In Mariothon, you compete in five minigames where outlasting your opponents in time-based games earns you extra points on the tournament ladder. There's an online version of Mariothon too, but the servers aren't live until the game's launch. Square Off is also a minigame-based tournament, but after each win, you're allowed to claim a territory space. Owning the pieces of territory on either side of another player's territory nets you their space too, and the game continues until every space is filled. The winner is whoever owns the most spaces at the end of the match. Both modes give you a goal to strive for while playing minigames, which creates extra levels of friendly competition amongst a group of friends.The new Partner Party, River Survival, and Sound Stage modes add enjoyable alternatives to Mario Party mode--which at least returns to its competitive roots.There's also Toad's Rec Room, where you can play unique games that change based on how you position your Switch, and a Stickers room, where you can cover a wall in a mural of stickers you've collected. Both seem tacked on to Super Mario Party; the former to justify putting the game on a console that can be played on a horizontal plane, in kickstand mode, or in a dock, and the latter to give you a reason to go out and buy some Amiibos to scan and get special stickers that aren't earnable within the game. Although the option of changing perspectives in Toad's Rec Room--such as looking at a baseball field from a bird's eye, laid-back, or pitcher's view--is an interesting gimmick, none of the games are really made better by adjusting how you look at them. The Stickers room is not worth getting invested in at all.Everything about Super Mario Party feels smaller in comparison to previous titles in the series. Both Mario Party and Partner Party mode play on small boards, and certain modes, like Challenge Road, have clear tier points to make it easy to play through in small chunks. So it's all the more puzzling that you can't actually play Super Mario Party on the go in handheld mode. Given you need a seperate Joy-Con to perform the motion-based actions in the game, it makes sense, but it's still odd to see a game on Switch that actively prevents you from making use of the console's portability.Most of Super Mario Party's varied assortment of 80 minigames are fun, especially if you've got a full group of four players, as the NPCs aren't smart or skilled enough to pose much of a challenge until you unlock Master difficulty. The new Partner Party, River Survival, and Sound Stage modes add enjoyable alternatives to Mario Party mode--which at least returns to its competitive roots. And even if the unique character dice blocks don't shake up Super Mario Party's four boards enough to give Mario Party mode some longevity, they implement small moments of strategy into a series that has for too long solely relied on randomness to determine a winner.Editor's note: As we have not been able to test Super Mario Party's online features on live servers prior to its release, this is a review in progress. We will update and finalize this review when we're able to test its online functionality at launch. Info from
Forza Horizon is a series that has always managed to deftly balance accessibility and complexity. It takes the realistic driving mechanics of Forza Motorsport but ditches the intimidating nature of professional racing and ruthless competition. Instead, it uses vibrant locations and positive vibes to amplify and celebrate the joys of driving--the giddiness of speed, the awe of vibrant scenery, and the spectacle of shiny cars. Forza Horizon 4 upholds this tradition. Meaningful changes add interesting gameplay considerations and improve progression flow, on top of its already accommodating difficulty options, a smorgasbord of vehicles, and a beautiful open world overflowing with activities. With Horizon 4, Playground Games continues to excel at making the act of virtual driving exciting, approachable, and entertaining without sacrificing complexity.Horizon's fourth open-world locale is a version of Great Britain that amalgamates and condenses iconic regions of England, Scotland, and Wales, offering some fantastic terrain to explore. The rolling hills of the English countryside make cross-country driving more thrilling, the Scottish Highlands offer breathtaking highway routes, and the city of Edinburgh's windy, hilly streets serve as an interesting location for street races.But the biggest change to Horizon is the introduction of seasons. Horizon's Britain cycles between summer, autumn, winter, and spring--and the weather in each season affects the world in tangible ways. These range from the obvious, like bodies of water freezing over, to the near-imperceptible, like the change in temperature affecting your tires. But seasons truly require you to adapt both your technique and your vehicle, and this variety produces a unique dynamic--the same dirt course you drive in summer will be boggy after an autumn rain, and asphalt roads will get slicker during the winter snow. In the first few hours of Horizon 4, the seasons will change after you've completed a number of activities, and this quick cycle reveals how necessary it is to consider and adjust your driving. But once you complete a whole cycle, the implementation of seasons changes: They'll then be tied to an online server, synchronized for all players, and will rotate every seven days.Online functionality has a larger emphasis in Horizon 4--when playing solo, the game will discreetly connect you into an online session with up to 72 other players. You can also form a convoy of up to 12 people, as well as compete in ranked or unranked team adventures for seasonal prizes. It's still easy to focus on playing solo at your own pace, and you can still go offline completely and drive against AI. But Horizon 4's expanded online functionality does offer worthwhile activities to encourage you to connect with other people. Head-to-head races are more interesting against actual human beings, and the weekly change in weather comes with a selection of limited-time, season-specific races and championships as well as challenge missions.Horizon also features recurring "#Forzathon Live" public events, which puts the call out to players in a session to gather together and cooperate to hit a combined score pool in a certain activity. You'll earn currency to spend in an exclusive Forzathon shop if you're successful, but these events become tedious quickly, as you'll be running the same activity--like a single drift zone or danger jump--repeatedly until the group hits the score target.But the missed opportunity of Forzathon Live events is just a tiny scuff in Horizon's otherwise comprehensive and inviting gamut of activities. Irrespective of online seasonal events, there are a large number of vehicular disciplines to pursue, the majority of which allow you the great flexibility of shaping a race around your vehicle of choice--though you'll still need to use your best cars to perform well in things like speed and drift challenges. You're also now able to create your own custom courses, and the series' more creative pursuits return with story missions--which feature things like stunt driving and nice homages to other racing games--and the entertaining, if highly choreographed, showcase races against things like planes, trains, and Halo's Warthogs.Progression has changed from Forza Horizon 3--you no longer expand multiple festival sites to uncover activities. Instead, each discipline has its own corresponding progression meter. Participating in a particular kind of activity enough times, win or lose, will eventually level up that discipline, reward you, and unlock more activities of that kind on the map. It's an exciting and friendly system that stretches you out to the furthest reaches of the world quickly, makes it feel like something new and interesting to do is always nearby, and rewards you no matter what you decide to participate in and how you perform. Even after hours and hours of play, Horizon 4 kept revealing surprises by introducing brand-new styles of activities, keeping the game's flow feeling fresh.It always feels like there's a reward in reach, too. With both individual meters for disciplines and an overall progression meter, you're often just a couple more races away from earning a level-up prize. The slot machine-style wheelspins also return, now with a variant that lets you pull for three prizes, and thankfully they still remain siloed from any real-world monetary transactions. Horizon 4 has a larger variety of potential rewards, too. The bigger focus on online interactions means driver customization is a big deal, which throws hundreds of unisex clothing options, quick chat phrases, and dance emotes into the pool. This means you might occasionally get a boring prize like a pair of shoes, but the pace of compensation is steady enough to make this negligible and also makes the rare occasion of nabbing a free car all the more satisfying.Horizon 4 boasts 100 more vehicles over its predecessor, with a total of 450 in the base game. While Japanese car enthusiasts will definitely notice the absence of Mitsubishi and Toyota vehicles (no more Initial D Sprinter), Volkswagen has held over from Motorsport 7 (bringing classic Beetles, Kombis, and Golfs), as have a few new vehicles like racing trucks. Once again, Horizon features an array of tinkering options for enthusiasts, as well as auto-upgrade options and a number of accommodating driving assists for those who'd rather only think about accelerating and turning.Regardless of how you drive, vehicles feel weighty, handle believably, and each one now has its own individual perk tree. Earning skill points while performing both reckless and prudent driving maneuvers will allow you to unlock nodes that add buffs to your skill point accumulation, or earn one-off rewards like wheelspins or influence (the game's experience measure). It's a great change from Horizons 3's global skill tree, because it encourages you to stick with a vehicle, get to know it intimately, and have the advantage of a higher rate of reward. Skill points come readily if you're driving at least somewhat competently, and you're free to use points you earn on any vehicle, which makes swapping your go-to car less of a blow to your progression if you've already banked some extra points.Horizon's global perks have been transferred to another new feature, Properties, which replace festival sites as your garage and customization hubs. Finding and buying properties around the map is relatively expensive, but the perks some contain are useful, and properties all act as valuable fast travel points. Fast travel still costs you in-game currency, at least until you find and break all 50 fast-travel boards, but Horizon 4 does make other very welcome improvements in the interest of accessibility and quality of life, including the ability to change cars for free and at any time.There's such a diverse range of activities stuffed into every corner of Horizon 4, and meaningful changes contribute to smart driving dynamics and a more consistent sense of achievement. Everything you do in Horizon feels valuable, no matter how big or small--from the basic thrills of speeding a fast car down a gorgeous mountain highway to spending time tinkering with your favorite ride to manage seasonal road conditions to just hanging out with friends and strangers online and goofing off in friendly games. The charm of the Horizon series is as palpable as ever, a winning, all-inclusive recipe that celebrates the joy of driving above all else.Info from
The next installment of the Call of Duty franchise is nearly upon us. It's Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and it's launching October 12 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. While it won't feature a traditional campaign like previous installments, it will come with single-player missions, plus loads of multiplayer content, including a battle royale-style mode and, of course, Zombies.If you're ready to lock in your pre-order for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find all the information you need about pre-order bonuses, what editions are available, and which retailers are offering per-orders for what prices.Pre-Order BonusPre-order Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and you'll receive access to a beta (or two) Activision plans to run in August. The first iteration of this runs exclusively on PS4 and begins on August 3. A second beta kicks off on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on August 10. An open beta for PC players begins August 11.Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Standard EditionHere's where you can pre-order the standard edition of the game and for how much. Note that Newegg is offering it for $10 less than everyone else (unless you're an Amazon Prime member). Also note that digital copies from, Microsoft Store, and Sony Store all come with 1,100 Call of Duty Points.Amazon -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | -- $60 -- PCBest Buy -- $60 (includes a $10 reward) -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCGameStop -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCMicrosoft Store -- $60 -- Xbox OneNewegg -- $50 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCPlayStation Store -- $60 -- PS4Target -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCWalmart -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCFor those in Canada:Best Buy -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox OneEB Games -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCWalmart -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCCall of Duty: Black Ops 4 Digital Deluxe EditionThe Digital Deluxe Edition comes with the following:Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 game2,400 Call of Duty PointsDigital Edition Bonus ItemsDigital Deluxe Bonus ItemsBlack Ops Pass, which includes (though it's subject to change): "Classified," a Zombies Experience available at Launch4 Additional All-New Zombies Experiences12 Multiplayer Maps4 Exclusive Blackout CharactersHere's where you can buy this version of the -- $100 -- PCGameStop -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $100 -- Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $100 -- PS4Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Digital Deluxe Enhanced EditionThe Digital Deluxe Enhanced Edition contains everything in the Digital Deluxe Edition, but with 8,500 Call of Duty Points instead of 2, -- $130 -- PCGameStop -- $130 -- PS4Microsoft Store -- $130 -- Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $130 -- PS4Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Pro EditionThis edition is exclusive to GameStop. It comes with the game, the Black Ops Pass (which may or may not include all DLC eventually released), Steelbook, Pop Socket, 10 Specialist Patches, 3 Zombies Inspired Collectible Art Cards, 1,100 Call of Duty Points, and a Call of Duty Endowment (C.O.D.E.) Calling Card.GameStop -- $120 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCCall of Duty: Black Ops 4 Mystery Box EditionIf you're looking for the most ornate, pricy edition of the game, this is it. It comes with a skeleton-themed box that lights up and makes sounds. Everything you see in the image above comes along with it, including Zombies heroes Figpins, a 1,000-piece puzzle, a comic book, lithographs for each Zombies stage, a Popsocket, a Steelbook, Specialist icon patches, the Black Ops Pass, as well as "additional bonus content."Amazon -- $200 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $200 -- PS4 | Xbox OneCanada links:Best Buy -- $260 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCInfo from
SoulCalibur VI, the next installment of Bandai Namco's long-running fighting game series, is set to release on October 19 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Like the previous games, this one pits weapon-wielding combatants against each other and sees the inclusion of many familiar faces for anyone who's played the previous games--or anyone who's played The Witcher, for that matter.If you're ready to go all-in on SoulCalibur VI, you'll probably want to know about any pre-order bonuses, what comes with each edition of the game, and where you can get it. Below, we've gathered all of the information you need to make an informed pre-order decision. Let's get to it.SoulCalibur VI Pre-Order BonusA few retailer-exclusive pre-order bonuses are available for the game. If you pre-order SoulCalibur VI from Best Buy, you'll receive a free 3.5-inch-tall mini figure of Talim (while supplies last). GameStop, meanwhile, is giving away the Ivy Valentine Figpin seen above. Finally, pre-ordering from the PlayStation Store gets you a free SoulCalibur VI PS4 theme.Standard EditionThe standard edition contains the game itself, plus any applicable pre-order bonuses. The best deal at the time of this writing is at Newegg, where you'll save $10.Amazon -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCBest Buy -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCMicrosoft Store -- $60 -- Xbox OneNewegg -- $50 -- PS4 | Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $60 -- PS4Steam -- $60 -- PCTarget -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneDeluxe EditionPhysical versions of the deluxe edition come with the season pass, the soundtrack on CD, and a metal case with a built-in soundbox that can play four voiceover snippets. Digital versions cost $10 less but only contain the game and season pass.Amazon -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneBest Buy -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $90 -- Xbox One (digital version)Newegg -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $90 -- PS4 (digital version)Steam -- $90 -- PC (digital version)Target -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneCollector's EditionThe $150 collector's edition comes with even more items. You'll get everything included in the deluxe edition, plus a 120-page art book and a 12-inch collectible Sophitia figure, all packaged in a long collector's edition box.Amazon -- $150 -- PS4 | Xbox OneBest Buy -- $150 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $150 -- PS4 | Xbox OneNewegg -- $150 -- PS4 | Xbox OneTarget -- $150 -- PS4 | Xbox OneInfo from
The next edition of WWE's flagship wrestling game franchise is now available for pre-order. The cover athlete for WWE 2K19 is AJ Styles, and publisher 2K promises the game will contain a sizable roster of WWE and NXT superstars and legends--we already know of more than 200 total, a whopping sum. It's slated for release on October 9, 2018 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, but you can reserve your copy now.We've gotten to spend some time with the game, and we've found that some old school arcade-style additions have made 2K19 fun again. Its new MyCareer mode also takes inspiration from the wildly popular NBA 2K games.Note that there are no plans for a Nintendo Switch edition this year, so you're out of luck if you're looking for 2K19 action on the go. If you're ready to lock in your WWE 2K19 pre-order, we have you covered with all the information you'll need below. We go over any pre-order bonuses, what's included in the various editions, where you can find it, and how much it costs.WWE 2K19 Pre-Order BonusIf you pre-order WWE 2K19, you'll get two special playable characters: Rey Mysterio and Ronda Rousey.WWE 2K19 Standard EditionThe standard edition of WWE 2K19 comes with the game itself and any applicable pre-order bonuses--and that's it. But that's what you'd expect from a standard edition. Here's where you can pre-order the standard edition now.2K Store -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCAmazon -- $60 (digital) -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCBest Buy -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $60 -- Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $60 -- PS4Steam -- $60 -- PCTarget -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneWWE 2K19 Deluxe EditionThe Deluxe Edition comes with the core game, plus a few extra goodies thrown in for good measure. For starters, you get to play the game four days early, on October 5. You also get the Season Pass and access to the Collector's Edition digital content, both of which will be detailed sometime this summer. Here's where you can pre-order the Deluxe Edition.2K Store -- $90 -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCAmazon -- $90 (digital) -- PS4 | Xbox One | PCBest Buy -- $90 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $90 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $90 -- Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $90 -- PS4Steam -- $90 -- PCTarget -- $90 -- PS4 | Xbox OneWWE 2K19 Wooooo EditionThe Collector's Edition comes with all the goodies in the Deluxe Edition (early access and digital extras), plus a WWE Hall of Fame replica ring, a piece of a robe worn by Ric Flair, a Ric Flair Funko doll, and "limited edition WWE SuperCard content." Here's where you can pre-order this special collector's edition.2K Store -- $130 -- PS4 | Xbox OneBest Buy -- $130 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $130 -- PS4 | Xbox OneTarget -- $130 -- PS4 | Xbox OneInfo from
The internet is awash in anticipation for Red Dead Redemption 2, and it's easy to see why. Rockstar doesn't release new games often, and when it does, the games tend to be landmark events in the gaming world. From everything we've seen so far--including our hands-on time with the game--Red Dead Redemption 2 promises to be one of the biggest games of the year.It stars Arthur Morgan and the Dutch van der Linde gang--whose members include John Marston, the star of the original game. The game launches for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26, 2018. Its accompanying online multiplayer mode, Red Dead Online, will launch in beta at some point in November. All owners of the base game will receive free access to it.A new gameplay trailer showcased more of the single-player component's open-world gameplay. That includes a variety of heists you can take part in and some of the customization options at your disposal.You don't have to wait until October 26 to secure your copy--you can pre-order Red Dead Redemption 2 right now from a number of retailers, both in-store and online. Here's all the information you need to know to lock in your Red Dead pre-order.Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre-Order BonusPre-order Red Dead Redemption 2, and you'll get a couple of digital goodies for your trouble.War Horse: An Ardennes War Horse with greater courage and stamina than the average steed.The Outlaw Survival Kit: Contains a collection of key supplies, including items to replenish Health, Dead Eye, and more.Red Dead Redemption 2 Digital Pre-Order BonusAnyone who pre-orders a digital version of Red Dead Redemption 2 from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Store will get the bonuses listed above, plus a handful of other digital freebies thrown in for good measure.Cash Bonus for Red Dead Redemption 2 Story ModeTreasure Map: Gives you a head start on the hunt for hidden riches. Must pre-order by July 31, 2018 to receive.Bonus GTA$: Immediate download that contains in-game currency for Grand Theft Auto Online. Here's the breakdown of how much GTA$ you get for each edition: Standard Edition - $500,000 | Special Edition - $1 million | Ultimate Edition - $2 million.Red Dead Redemption 2 Standard EditionThis edition comes with the relevant pre-order bonuses listed above, plus the core game. Here's where you can pre-order it.Amazon -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneBest Buy -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $60 -- Xbox OneNewegg -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $60 -- PS4Rockstar Warehouse -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneTarget -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneWalmart -- $60 -- PS4 | Xbox OneRed Dead Redemption 2 Special EditionThe special edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 comes with the core game, plus the following items.World mapBank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout in Story ModeDappled Black Thoroughbred: A racehorse with exceptional speed and acceleration; it comes with a special saddle.Talisman and Medallion Gameplay Bonuses: These special Story Mode items will give Arthur a helping hand whenever they are equipped.Gameplay Boosts, Cash Bonuses & DiscountsThe Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit: Inspired by the clothing worn by vaqueros and banditos south of the border.Free Access to Three Additional Weapons: Volcanic Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, and Lancaster Varmint Rifle.Here's where you can buy the special edition.Amazon -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox OneBest Buy -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $80 -- Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $80 -- PS4Rockstar Warehouse -- $80 -- PS4 | Xbox OneRed Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate EditionThe ultimate edition comes with all the content from the special edition, plus the following.Bonus Outfits: The Blackrose Bounty Hunter Outfit and The Copperhead Enforcer Outfit.Black Chestnut Thoroughbred: A racehorse and special saddle, both available in online.Free Access to the Survivor Camp ThemeFree Access to Additional Weapons: Get access to the Volcanic Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun and Lancaster Varmint Rifle, free of charge from Gunsmiths in online.Rank Bonuses: As a great start for all Ultimate Edition players, you can rank up faster in online, up to rank 25.Here's where you can pre-order the ultimate edition.Amazon -- $100 (digital) -- PS4 | Xbox OneBest Buy -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneGameStop -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneMicrosoft Store -- $100 -- Xbox OnePlayStation Store -- $100 -- PS4Rockstar Warehouse -- $100 -- PS4 | Xbox OneRed Dead Redemption 2 Collector's BoxFirst off, it's important to note that the Collector's Box does not include the game. So if you're going to pre-order it, make sure you also get yourself a separate copy of the game or you'll be very disappointed come launch day. What the Collector's Box does include is a bunch of physical goodies.Metal Tithing Box with Lock & KeyCollectable Challenge CoinDouble Sided PuzzleSix Shooter BandanaTreasure MapPin SetPlaying CardsWheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue12 Cigarette CardsHere's where you can pre-order the collector's box.GameStop -- $100Rockstar Warehouse -- $100Info from
Disney is working on live-action remakes of a lot of its classic and princess-related library, with movies like Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella having released alongside The Jungle Book and the upcoming The Lion King. A new report suggests it's reaching into some more recent and non-traditional films as well, with a remake of Lilo & Stitch on the docket.THR reports that Dan Lin and Jonathan Eirich, the duo behind the Aladdin remake, are also producing the Lilo & Stitch remake as a CGI/live-action hybrid. The studio has tapped Mike Van Waes (The Conjuring) to write the script. The report notes that this film could be aimed at Disney's streaming service rather than a theatrical release.Lilo & Stitch tells a story of a young misfit Hawaiian girl being raised by her elder sister, who comes upon a wild alien named Stitch that was engineered as a living weapon. The two quickly form a bond as outcasts--and as they're pursued by social workers and aliens alike, they learn to look out for each other. Presumably, Stitch and the other aliens would be rendered in CG alongside real-world actors.Lilo & Stitch has developed a cult following over the years, particularly for its realistic portrayal of a non-traditional family and brash, distinctly un-princess-like female heroine. It was also much more notably an action sci-fi movie than many Disney films, given its real-world setting and influences. It spawned several sequels and TV series.Info from
One of the benefits you receive for subscribing to the Nintendo Switch Online service is access to a library of classic NES games, all of which support online play. 20 titles are currently available on the service, with Nintendo promising to add more to the library regularly, and it turns out we won't have to wait too long for the first new batch of titles to arrive.Nintendo confirmed on Twitter that three more vintage games are coming to Nintendo Switch Online's NES library next week, on October 10: Solomon's Key, Super Dodge Ball, and NES Open Tournament Golf. All three titles will be available in each region.Solomon's Key is a puzzle game in which players control a wizard who can conjure up and remove blocks, and they must use that ability to collect the key in each room while avoiding enemies. Super Dodge Ball, as its name suggests, is an NES take on the sport, while NES Open is a spiritual precursor to the Mario Golf series.If you're a subscriber to the Nintendo Switch Online service, you'll be able to download the NES - Nintendo Switch Online app for free from the Eshop or Nintendo's website. More titles will be added to the library each month. In November, Nintendo will introduce Metroid, Mighty Bomb Jack, and TwinBee; in December, Wario's Woods, Ninja Gaiden, and Adventures of Lolo will be added.As previously mentioned, all NES games on the service support some form of online play, though in traditionally single-player titles like The Legend of Zelda, it's limited to screen sharing and "passing" control of the game back and forth. However, it might not be readily apparent how to set that up, so we've outlined how to play Switch's NES games online.Info from
THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games have released a new trailer for Darksiders 3, the upcoming entry in the video game series about the four horsemen of the apocalypse. This newest Darksiders game focuses on the third horsemen, Fury, who's the sister to the series' previous protagonists, War and Death.The new trailer offers the first look at Fury's Force Hollow, one of the four forms she can switch between in the game. With each new Hollow, Fury can change her appearance, power set, and available weaponry. In Force Hollow, Fury's hair glows purple and she's able to walk along crystalized walls. She also gains access to a powerful hammer that doubles as a battle axe. An earlier trailer revealed Fury's Flame Hollow, which covers her hair in a burning blaze and allows her to propel herself through the air as a fireball. It also gives her the ability to sheathe her weapons in flame and wield speedy nunchucks.In Darksiders 3, Fury, the leader of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, is tasked by The Charred Council to restore the balance between heaven and earth by hunting down and destroying the Seven Deadly Sins. Although Darksiders 3 incorporates much of the series' hack-'n-slash gameplay, Fury--as a mage--is able to pull off a wider variety of magical attacks and special abilities. Because of this, Darksiders 3 plays out a lot more like a Dark Souls game in comparison to Darksiders and Darksiders 2.Darksiders 3 launches on November 27 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game comes in Standard, Deluxe, Blades & Whip, Collector's, and Apocalypse Editions. If you pre-order any edition of Darksiders 3, you'll get access to an exclusive armor set, and pre-ordering the Deluxe or Blades & Whip Editions gives you early 24-hour access to the game.Info from
One of the major new items Epic Games introduced to Fortnite at the start of Season 6 was Shadow Stones, but they've been beset by problems since arriving. Shortly after the stones went live, the developer had to pull them from the game several times, but it appears those issues have finally been resolved, and Shadow Stones are now back in the game.The problems first began soon after Season 6 kicked off last week. Epic announced that it had to temporarily disable the Shadow Stones due to a bug. It didn't elaborate on what that issue was, but players had discovered an exploit that allowed them to shoot their weapons while being invisible, which wouldn't normally be possible when the stones were used.The Shadow Stones were then briefly re-enabled over the weekend, only to quickly be removed again for an unspecified reason. They would remain disabled for several days--an unusually long time, as Epic is typically able to resolve issues that arise with items fairly quickly, although shopping carts were similarly plagued by problems when they were first introduced to the game.On top of the newly reenabled Shadow Stones, Epic has added a new type of trap item to Fortnite: the Chiller. The trap was introduced as part of the game's 6.01 patch; it freezes an opponent's feet and causes them to slide around when triggered.Season 6 is underway on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch, and mobile, and it's brought a slew of new cosmetic items and other rewards to unlock with the Season 6 Battle Pass, including Pets. You can see all of the new skins and cosmetics in our Season 6 rewards gallery. If you need help unlocking them, you can find tips and guides on how to complete the latest challenges in our Season 6 challenge roundup.Info from
WWE is headed down under. The wrestling company is based out of the US but is a global brand, so from time to time it will travel overseas for live events. Of late, these international shows have been positioned as major PPVs, starting with The Greatest Royal Rumble back in April. On Saturday, October 6, WWE is headed to Australia for the Super Show-Down, and it is one packed card, but it's going to be airing in the states super early.Taking place at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne, Australia, Super Show-Down will air on the WWE Network at 10 AM BST / 5 AM ET / 2 AM PT. We are currently unsure if there will be a Kickoff Show, as the programming guide for October 6 is not available as of this writing. Nevertheless, for once, WWE fans in the UK will have a PPV not airing extremely late in the evening.If you don't have the WWE Network but are interested in watching the show, you can sign up for one month free. This promotion is only available to new subscribers, but you're under no obligation to continue using the service. You can cancel anytime, so technically, you can watch Super Show-Down for free. If you choose to continue using the WWE Network, it costs $10 a month, but you get to livestream all WWE PPVs throughout the year, as well as classic PPVs, TV replays, and original series.So what can you look forward to at Super Show-Down? Well, for the first time in forever, Roman Reigns isn't the main event. However, Undertaker vs. Triple H is, so that's something different. The match is billed as "last time ever," most likely because Undertaker is getting up there in age and isn't as great in the ring as he used to be.In addition to that, there are nine more matches on the card, four of which are title matches. However, Ronda Rousey and the Raw Women's Championship are nowhere to be found on the card. But there's still time for another match to be added. Check out everything booked, so far, below.Super Show-Down Match Card:Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Buddy Murphy (Cruiserweight Championship)Asuka & Naomi vs. The IIconicsThe New Day (c) vs. The Bar (Smackdown Tag Team Championship)Daniel Bryan vs. The MizJohn Cena & Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens & EliasBecky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair (Smackdown Women's Championship)Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins vs. The Riott SquadAJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe (WWE Championship)The Shield vs. Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, & Drew McIntyreThe Undertaker vs. Triple HSuper Show-Down Start Times7 PM AET10 AM BST5 AM ET4AM C2 AM PTMake sure to come back to GameSpot on the morning of Saturday, October 5 for coverage of the PPV. And next week, we'll have predictions as well as interviews with WWE superstars about the event.Info from
The management behind the Entertainment Software Associate--the group behind E3--has gotten a sudden shake-up. Michael Gallagher, who has served as president and CEO, is stepping down after 11 years. The reasons behind the shuffling are unclear, CNET notes.Stanley Pierre-Louis, the former senior VP and general counsel, will step in as interim CEO in Gallagher's stead. The group didn't give a reason behind the change. In a statement, Gallagher praised the organization's "unbroken string of victories in the states, on Capitol Hill, and before the U.S. Supreme Court.""Mike has been an exceptional leader and important voice for the video game industry for more than a decade," said ESA chairman Robert Altman, in a statement. "Under Mike's leadership, ESA has developed a strong reputation with policy makers for vigorously defending the industry during watershed moments, including the industry's victory on First Amendment principles before the U.S. Supreme Court. Mike was also instrumental in revitalizing E3 into the most prominent and important industry show produced today. We want to thank Mike for his many contributions and wish him well as he pursues new opportunities."GameSpot has contacted the ESA for comment and will update as more information becomes available.The ESA has represented the industry's interests in many high-profile proceedings. Gallagher himself was one of the industry representatives who met with President Trump during a summit on video game violence, following a tragic shooting in Parkland, FL. Under Gallagher's leadership the company has chimed in on politics that tangentially relate to video games, from criticizing comments that developers found insulting to applauding STEM programs. It also organizes the annual E3 gaming convention, which recently opened its doors to the public.Most recently, the ESA stepped forward to publicly disagree with a meta-analysis study that concluded video games resulted in increased aggression and fights among school age children between 9 and 19. The study itself cited increased visits to the principal's office for fights at school among gamers, while the ESA's rebuttal cited a reduction in violent crime over the same period.Info from


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