Robert Kirkman, writer and co-creator of The Walking Dead comics that have spawned a massive franchise, offered some hope for Telltale fans at New York Comic-Con. Speaking at a Q&A panel, Kirkman suggested he knows of the current efforts to resolve the unfinished story from The Walking Dead: The Final Season, and he seems to expect it to work out.Asked by a fan if he'll be writing Clementine into the comics to resolve her story and pick up the slack left by the unfinished season, Kirkman didn't commit, but implied wheels are in motion in other ways."Stay tuned," he said. "Everyone involved is trying to make sure Clementine's story is told. I'm not concerned at the moment with telling that story in the comics."Telltale Games, the studio behind the ongoing Walking Dead game series, recently had a mass layoff that effectively cancelled many of its current projects--including The Walking Dead. This was an especially difficult cancellation for many fans, as the game was in the middle of what was billed as its final season, resolving the story of Clementine that had gone back for years. Telltale had been going through troubles for quite some time, but hoped to finish the final season.Facing criticism for continuing to sell the season pass with no intention of finishing the season, Telltale pulled it from storefronts. That may be temporary, though, as the studio says it's looking at "multiple potential partners" to finish the season. That may be what Kirkman is referring to, and he doesn't seem especially keen to step in and finish the story himself in the comics. If those game deals fall through, though, we could still see Clementine's story finish in some other medium.Update: Despite laying off the majority of its staff, Telltale did retain 25 employees. However, it seems that now even those people have been laid off, further throwing the future of its Walking Dead series into question.Info from Gamespot.com
As is customary for the game, Destiny 2 players know Tuesday is the big day of the week. That's when the weekly reset takes place, refreshing a variety of timed challenges and bounties, and changing what tasks are laid out in front of you. This week is no different at a basic level, although you should be aware before diving in that there isn't a major new piece of content that's been introduced, as in recent weeks. That said, if you didn't speed through Forsaken, there may be something new for you, as the weekly missions offered by Petra in the Dreaming City have started over again. Here's everything you need to know about the Dreaming City, Nightfall, Ascendant Challenge, and more for the current week.Ascendant ChallengeFor players who have advanced far enough in Forsaken, you may be ready for a high-end activity. The Ascendant Challenge is just the ticket, providing a difficult mission of sorts to take part in for some Powerful gear--provided you can find where to go. This time, you'll enter the challenge through a portal located in the Bay of Drowne. This takes you to the Agonarch Abyss, where you'll be platforming (probably to your death at least a few times).Before starting, you'll need to pick up the bounty from Petra and to secure a Tincture of Queensfoil, a consumable item that provides the Ascendant buff that allows you to see and travel through a Taken portal to enter the Ascendant Plane.Spider Bounty -- Wanted: Gravetide SummonerThe set of bounties available from Spider have rotated yet again. One of these in particular is worth grabbing, though you'll need five Ghost Fragments to purchase it. Completing the bounty, Wanted: Gravetide Summoner, will reward you with Powerful gear. Yes, this is a repeat of last week, but it's found in a slightly different spot, meaning you're doing a different Lost Sector.As always, this provides you with an Adventure to do. This one is located on Titan, right next to the Siren's Watch landing zone (rather than The Rig last week).NightfallAnother avenue to Powerful gear is the Nightfall Strike. Taking part in the Nightfall allows you to pick from three different Strikes; this week's choices include Lake of Shadows, Tree of Probabilities, and The Arms Dealer. The corresponding bounties for Powerful gear, as usual, ask you to complete a Nightfall and to complete one with a score above 100,000.EververseTess at Eververse has new weekly bounties, the most expensive of which is Crucible Crux, but it also rewards you with the most Bright Dust based on what you spend on the bounty. This requires you to complete matches in the Crucible, with wins netting you extra progress.Tess has also cycled in a new wave of items to get your hands on. Most important to grab is the Rise to the Challenge bounty. This only asks you to complete a challenge to receive a Prismatic Facet. This item allows you to activate the Prismatic Matrix, which is just an overly complex term for what is basically a chest with 10 cosmetic rewards inside. The Matrix's items rotate each week; here's what's available right now:Sanctified Vigilance Shell (Exotic Ghost shell)Transcendent Geometry (Exotic Warlock ornament for Vesper of Radius)Aim to Misbehave (Exotic ornament for Malfeasance)Dragonfly Regalia Grasps (Legendary Hunter gauntlets)Dragonfly Regalia Greaves (Legendary Titan leg armor)Smooth Dance (Legendary emote)Where Stars Collide (Legendary ship)Endymion Cavalcade (Legendary vehicle)Mappa Mundarum (Legendary vehicle)Jeweled Projection (Legendary Ghost projection)PetraPetra is the most important vendor and NPC in Forsaken, providing you with bounties in the Dreaming City. She continues to move around the area and this week can be found back in The Strand. She has multiple bounties offering Powerful gear, as well as Gateway Between Worlds, which rewards you with an Offering to the Oracle (which is now an easy ticket to a Seed of Light and third subclass tree).Additionally, she's again offering a bounty to do the mission Broken Courier; this marks the first reset of the rotation of Dreaming City missions she has. If your Power level wasn't high enough to try this out in September, here's your opportunity to do what you missed. Petra actually has some dialogue to acknowledge that things are back to the way they were three weeks ago.Clan BountiesAt the Tower, head over to Hawthorne to grab your daily and weekly clan bounties. On the weekly side, this week has you doing the following with clanmates: complete Blind Well at Tier 3 or higher; clear three waves of Escalation Protocol; and do three Heroic Adventures. As per usual, completing enough clan bounties before the weekly reset will net you some Powerful gear, as will completing the standard weekly clan objectives. The weekly Raid challenge has you complete the Which Witch challenge for Powerful gear.Vanguard StrikesFor standard Strikes, the weekly challenge is to complete three while using the same Light element as a team member. The modifiers for Strikes have rotated, and here's what you can expect to encounter right now:Arc Singe -- Arc damage increasedGrounded -- Damage taken while airborne increasedGrenadier -- Grenades deal more damage and recharge fasterDaily Heroic Story MissionsFive story missions have been swapped in for you to tackle as part of the daily Heroic story missions activity. Complete your choice of three before the next weekly reset to net a piece of Powerful gear. The modifiers are the same as Strikes, as outlined above. Here are the mission options:Fury -- 280 Power levelChosen -- 280 Power levelThe Gateway -- 310 Power levelLast Call -- 500 Power levelHigh Plains Blues -- 500 Power levelGambitGambit was already one of Forsaken's best additions, and it took on greater importance last week as it became a mandatory step in the questline to obtain the Exotic hand cannon Malfeasance. You'll sometimes encounter a special boss in place of the Primeval; defeat that to get an item called Seething Heart that will set you on the difficult path toward unlocking the gun.For this week, The Drifter is offering a weekly bounty, On the Grind, that asks you to earn points in Gambit. Points are earned by defeating enemies and guardians, and by banking Motes. The reward is a piece of Powerful gear.FlashpointThe Flashpoint is not tied directly to the weekly reset, but it has nonetheless been shuffled. At the time of this writing, it can be found on Mercury. Complete Public Events, Lost Sectors, and Heroic Adventures in the zone to fill a meter and earn a piece of Powerful gear.Where Is Xur?Xur will arrive once again on Friday, October 5, at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM BST. There's been no word about changes to him, so you can expect the usual Fated Engram (guaranteeing a Year One Exotic you don't own) along with one Exotic weapon and one piece of armor for each class.Info from Gamespot.com
A professional sports team apparently has a strict "No Fortnite" rule on road trips. Bo Horvat, one of the star players of the Vancouver Canucks in the NHL, says Fortnite is "definitely a no-go" for road trips. He told TSN 1040 that he would rather him and his teammates spend time together enjoying their road trips out in the real world."Yeah, that's definitely a no-go on the road," he said, via The Province. "No more Fortnite. No more bringing your video games on the road. It's strictly team meals, team dinners, and hanging out with the guys. So we'll have to put an end to that.""In my opinion ... there's better ways to spend time on the road, whether it's hanging with the guys in the room or going to a movie with the guys," he added. "Doing stuff outside your room. There's a lot of cool cities we go and visit and to be cooped up in your room all night and not doing anything, playing Fortnite, is a waste of your time."Horvat added that he hopes his message reaches parents. "Hopefully a lot of parents and little kids are listening right now. I don't play [Fortnite]. Nor will I ever," he said.The Canucks announced today that they will not have a single captain this year, following the retirement of star Henrik Sedin last year. Instead, there will be four rotating alternate captains, including Horvat, Alexander Edler, Brandon Sutter, and Chris Taney.The Canucks are not the first professional sports team to have a Fortnite problem. Members of the MLB's Boston Red Sox play Fortnite so much that they have to stop to remember to eat. The Red Sox ended the regular season with the best record in baseball, so their time spent playing the game doesn't seem to have taken away from their on-field abilities.Fortnite is one of the most popular games on Earth right now, so it's no surprise that it's also popular among professional athletes. And it's understandable that some might see it as a distraction, but it will be interesting to see how Horvat's mandate goes down with his teammates.While Fortnite is hugely popular, Microsoft's Minecraft has many millions more monthly players than Epic's battle royale game.Info from Gamespot.com
Avengers 4 will serve as the culmination of a years-long story arc, and if Avengers: Infinity War is any indication, it could lead some of our heroes to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. In an emotional thank you, Chris Evans (who plays Steve Rogers aka Captain America) seemed to indicate it could be his own character on the chopping block--or at least we're meant to think he is.Calling it an "emotional day" and noting the amount of time he played the character definitely implies a sense of finality, but that doesn't necessarily mean Cap is a goner. Joe and Anthony Russo, who directed Avengers: Infinity War and the untitled Avengers 4, have gone to great lengths to protect plot reveals--even going so far as to produce a fake-out version of a scene for the Infinity War trailer that never appeared in the finished film.Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was an emotional day to say the least. Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor. To everyone in front of the camera, behind the camera, and in the audience, thank you for the memories! Eternally grateful. — Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) October 4, 2018It's possible Evans was recruited by the Russos to set out audience expectations so they can be subverted later. It's also possible, of course, that he is putting the character to bed and sincerely got caught up in the moment. Or all this tea-leaf reading is meaningless because he was just showing appreciation to the crew after a very long shoot.For the time being, fans are attempting to guess the title of the next movie, which Marvel has kept carefully under wraps. Writer Christopher Markus said the next film will be very different, summarizing it as: "We broke your heart. Now we're going to blow your mind."Info from Gamespot.com
As The Walking Dead prepares to unveil its ninth season, there is perhaps more buzz than ever about AMC's long-running zombie apocalypse series. Unlike in the past, though, the buzz isn't about what's playing out on the screen. Instead, it's the behind-the-scenes departure of star Andrew Lincoln, which the actor officially announced at San Diego Comic-Con, that is on fans' minds.During a visit to the Atlanta set of The Walking Dead, the absence of Lincoln loomed large. It's the first time since the series premiered in 2010 that he's not number one on the call sheet. However, his departure offers something of a chance for a rebirth for the series--and it's a rebirth that new showrunner Angela Kang is taking very seriously.Following the "All Out War" story that unfolded in Season 8, The Walking Dead is facing a short jump forward in time--which the comics also featured after the defeat of Negan--and the creative team behind the show is using that to attempt to take the show back to its Season 1 roots. What, exactly, does that mean? While speaking with GameSpot and a small group of press, Kang likened it to the tone of the comic after its time jump."The comic book, for the people who know the comic, there is this time jump," she said. "And so it kind of takes the show in the books into this sort of interesting, almost western slash agrarian vibe. And so that was something that I really wanted to capture for the show. I also just was such a fan of the pilot, and so I wanted to kind of try to aspire to recapture some of that feeling. Of the silences and just those beautiful wide landscapes and just the loneliness that can be in the world."At the same time, Kang realizes the importance of the dynamics between the show's characters. After so many battles against other communities, zombies themselves, and sometimes each other, these characters have begun creating their own world. "We're in a part where we really see that the characters have found this group and they're very tight with each other," she explained. "And so you get to feel the warmth between them while there's also conflict."And that conflict will bring these characters fans have grown to love into direct opposition with another new threat--the Whisperers. The group, first introduced in the comics, wear zombie skin and speak in whispers, in an attempt to blend in with the walkers. They'll be introduced later in the season, at which point GameSpot will have plenty more to tell you about them.In the meantime, fans should hopefully be prepared for something of a simpler The Walking Dead, as everyone--including Rick, for now--makes what they can of life after Negan. Of course, this is The Walking Dead, so there will still be plenty of drama--some of it concerning Negan's former group, the Saviors.As for Lincoln's Rick Grimes, fans don't know at what point in this season his story will come to an end. For Kang, though, she knows she and her team have a tall order figuring out the conclusion of the show's leading man since day one."I think the big story responsibility that I and the writers felt was how do we write a worthy exit for this person who just as a character has been so fun and compelling to watch as well as write for and brought us into the story?" she said. "And we are also personally fond of Andrew Lincoln, he's such a rare and amazing human being. So we love working with him and we wanted to give him something that is fun that hopefully, the fans will love as much as he seems to and that we're hoping is a good story."The loss of Lincoln won't diminish the show, though, Kang claims. "We have this great ensemble," she said. "And it has been an ensemble show from the start, even though he's sort of been a character that helped us frame some of the moral questions through the series. But it's been an exciting opportunity to build up some of those characters and delve into some of those relationships we've been following for a long time. As well as introduce new characters and see people that we've seen for many years change. So I think that's really been the approach is to on the one hand tell a great story for Rick, but also not at the expense of all the other characters who are gonna carry on after Rick."The Walking Dead Season 9 premieres Sunday, October 7, on AMC.Info from Gamespot.com
EA is keeping a close eye on an evolving story surrounding Cristiano Ronaldo, who's currently the cover star of FIFA 19 for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Ronaldo, who plays for Italian professional football club Juventus, has been accused of rape--an accusation the major soccer star denies. Kathyn Mayorga claims Ronaldo raped her in Las Vegas in 2009, and EA is calling the accusation concerning."We have seen the concerning report that details allegations against Cristiano Ronaldo," the company told GameSpot. "We are closely monitoring the situation, as we expect cover athletes and ambassadors to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with EA's values." Ronaldo published his own statement on Twitter in response to the allegations.I firmly deny the accusations being issued against me. Rape is an abominable crime that goes against everything that I am and believe in. Keen as I may be to clear my name, I refuse to feed the media spectacle created by people seeking to promote themselves at my expense. — Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) October 3, 2018Meanwhile, his club is standing firmly behind him despite the allegations. In a pair of tweets, Juventus noted Ronaldo's "great professionalism and dedication" in the past few months, while calling out the amount of time since the alleged rape. Juventus' defence of the player has prompted a heated response from many people on social media, most of whom are criticizing the club for its unquestioning support of the player despite the allegations.The events allegedly dating back to almost 10 years ago do not change this opinion, which is shared by anyone who has come into contact with this great champion. 2/2 — JuventusFC (@juventusfcen) October 4, 2018Ronaldo is a playable player in the flagship EA Sports game, and is featured prominently on menu screens and in other parts in the game. He is also the center focus of EA's extensive FIFA 19 marketing campaign.Info from Gamespot.com
The wildly successful Witcher game series may have carved out a serious fanbase on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and other consoles, but it all began with a book series by Polish author Andrzey Sapkowski. Now, Sapkowski says he hasn't been fairly compensated for developer CD Projekt Red's use of his story, and he's asking for a considerable amount of money to make up for it.Sapkowski's lawyers have given CD Projekt Red a legal demand for payment for $16 million (£12.4 million). While the studio says it "legitimately and legally acquired" the rights to use The Witcher's story, Sapkowski insists he's entitled more because of the Polish Act on Copyright and Related Rights. Sapkowski's lawyers say it "may be invoked when the compensation remitted to the author is too low given the benefits obtained in association with the use of that author's work." Essentially, because The Witcher is so successful (now even spawning an upcoming TV show starring Henry Cavill), Sapkowski feels he's legally entitled to more compensation than he received.While it's not a lawsuit (yet), there is indication Sapkowski could turn this into one if CD Projekt Red doesn't come through. Meanwhile, the company said on its website that it was committed to keeping good relations with the authors of works that have inspired its creations. "Consequently, the Board will go to great lengths to ensure amicable resolution of this dispute; however, any such resolution must be respectful of previously expressed intents of both parties, as well as existing contracts," the studio added, also suggesting the $16 million sum is simply too much money.There are no further details at this point, but be sure to follow GameSpot for any updates. In other Witcher news, a spin-off RPG called Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales will be coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC via GOG later this month. The new game focuses on Meve, a queen of Lyria and Rivia, who is forced to go to war because of an impending Nilfgaardian invasion. The title is being described as a narrative-driven game with puzzles and card battle mechanics, similar to Gwent, and was was first announced as the single-player component for Gwent. It launches on October 23.Info from Gamespot.com
Konami is about to re-release two of the Castlevania series' best games as a bundle, and now we're getting a look at some of the new visual options that will come with the games when they release later this month. Castlevania Requiem will feature both Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, released in one package exclusively for PS4.In a pair of tweets, Konami showcased the new features. The first feature (in the first two images below) allows you to play with "blackout" enabled. This means players will be able to play the game without wallpapers (which will be enabled otherwise). The last two images show off the game with pixel smoothing enabled for a more updated look. Of course, those who want to stay true to the games' original visual styles can simply avoid turning the feature on.Both Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood are receiving overall updates in this re-release, too. When the bundle was announced last month, Sony said Castlevania Requiem would see "4K/1080p upscaling, multiple high resolution backgrounds, different rendering options such as smoothing, and full Trophy support." It also said the games will utilize the DualShock 4's analogue stick for movement and the speaker to play sounds when you pick up an item. When GameSpot asked Konami about the bundle's PS4 exclusivity, the company responded there were absolutely no plans to bring the games to other platforms.Symphony of the Night came out on the original PlayStation in 1999, and its effects on game design are still being felt with titles like Dead Cells and Hollow Knight drawing influence from it. Rondo of Blood came out far earlier, for PC Engine CD in 1993, and is also praised as one of the best in the series and one of the best PC Engine games. The bundle releases on October 23, and those that preorder will get a special discount of 15% off on the PlayStation Store. Info from Gamespot.com
Week 2 of Fortnite Season 6 has arrived, which means there's a new set of challenges for players to undertake on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile. As has been the case recently, the new challenges are divided up into two categories--those available to everyone, and those reserved for players who've purchased a Season 6 Battle Pass--and completing them will earn you XP and unlock some of the new Season 6 rewards.The challenge that requires the most legwork this week is to visit all of the Corrupted Areas, which began cropping up around the map after the locations were visited by the mysterious purple cube toward the end of Season 5. There are seven of these Corrupted Areas scattered around the island, and completing the challenge is simply a matter of heading to all of them over the course of several matches. You can see where all of them our in our dedicated Corrupted Areas challenge guide.Beyond that, the rest of Week 2's challenges are fairly straightforward. One has you use a Shadow Stone in three different matches, which can be accomplished easily enough as you're traveling to different Corrupted Areas, as that is where the stones most readily appear. Most of the other challenges involve either eliminating or dealing damage to other players using a particular weapon. You can the full list of Week 2's challenges--and the rewards they bestow--below.If you've already finished all of last week's challenges and complete this latest set, you'll also complete the Week 2 Hunting Party challenge. The reward for this is a special loading screen pointing to a free item hidden somewhere around the map. Rather than the usual Battle Star, however, the item this time is a free banner. If you need help finding it, be sure to check out our Week 2 Hunting Party challenge guide.Season 6 of Fortnite kicked off last week, on September 27, and it's introduced a ton of new cosmetic items and other rewards to get your hands on, including adorable Pets that you can carry around on your back. You can see all of them in our Season 6 rewards gallery. These are unlocked as you complete challenges and level your Battle Pass up. If you need pointers, you can find tips for all of the challenges available thus far in our Season 6 challenge roundup.Fortnite Season 6, Week 2 ChallengesFreeVisit all of the Corrupted Areas (7) -- 5 Battle StarsUse a Shadow Stone in different matches (3) -- 5 Battle StarsStage 1: Deal damage with standard Assault Rifles to opponents (200) -- 3 Battle StarsBattle PassEliminate an opponent from at least 50m away (1) -- 5 Battle StarsDeal damage with Pistols to opponents (500) -- 5 Battle StarSMG eliminations (3) -- 10 Battle StarsStage 1: Deal damage with Hunting Rifles to opponents (200) -- 10 Battle StarsInfo from Gamespot.com
With no warning, Telltale laid off the majority of its staff in September, offering them no severance. It did, however, keep on a skeleton staff of 25 people that were said to be staying on for the "foreseeable" future. Just two weeks after word of the situation first broke, it appears that even those remaining staffers have now been let go.Former narrative designer Rachel Noel shared the news on Twitter, writing, "Heeeeyyyy remember how there was going to be a skeleton crew staying on for a while and I was part of it? Nah, jk, we all just got laid off, too." A source confirmed the statement with GameSpot.Claims of mismanagement of Telltale have been abound for some time, and Noel seemed to reaffirm those allegations in a follow-up tweet, stating, "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. 80-hour crunch weeks. Mismanagement of some of the industry’s top talent. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."Prior to this, Noel had confirmed that she was among those still with the company and that she was "working on the remaining TTG project." The Walking Dead's Final Season second episode (of four) launched just as the layoffs took place, and it's been unclear if the remaining episodes would ever be completed.Telltale had previously suggested it's seeking to finish up the series, and on Friday at New York Comic-Con, Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman offered some hope to those wanting to see the conclusion. "Stay tuned," he said. "Everyone involved is trying to make sure Clementine's story is told. I'm not concerned at the moment with telling that story in the comics."The situation involving Telltale has been a confusing, messy one, as outlined in our timeline recapping its downfall. The sudden collapse has prompted a class-action lawsuit from one of its now ex-employees. This latest development comes on the heels of a Kotaku report suggesting Telltale was looking to finish the Walking Dead using an outside studio that would temporarily hire at least some of Telltale's former employees.Info from Gamespot.com
The live-action Star Wars TV show from Iron Man director Jon Favreau has officially started production, Disney announced today on its website.Favreau is writing and executive producing the show, which takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi, and now Disney has also confirmed some of the directors for individual episodes. They include some very big names, including Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi and Dope director Rick Famuyiwa, as well as Bryce Dallas Howard (Solemates) and Deborah Chow (Jessica Jones).Image credit: StarWars.comWhat's more, Disney also released the first image from The Mandalorian. The picture presumably shows the unnamed "lone gunfighter" at the heart of the story. As of yet, there is no word on who is playing this character or any others in the upcoming show."After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. We follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic," reads the TV show's official description.The program will air on Disney's new streaming service. The service launches in 2019, but it's unclear when the new Star Wars show may arrive. It is one of "several" Star Wars shows in development. Info from Gamespot.com
Ubisoft is once again exploring the possibility of adding multiplayer to Assassin's Creed. After 2010, several of the mainline Assassin's Creed games supported some form of a multiplayer mode, but the feature was cut after 2014's Assassin's Creed Unity.In an interview with Game Informer, Ubisoft chief creative officer Serge Hascoet said, "We have many technologies, so it's case by case, but Assassin's Creed has no multiplayer mode, and that is very important for the social aspect of gaming, so we are looking for that."Hascoet didn't share what form Assassin's Creed's future multiplayer might take, but he doesn't want to just copy what others are doing. "Now, everybody is talking about battle royale, but we think there are 15 different companies making those games, and like mobile, only two will be successful," Hascoet said. "Many will be killed along the way; I don't know which ones will survive. I am working with my team on what's next. It's important to understand why games like Fortnite are so successful, but it's not so we can copy it. It's to do something else, but with the same disruptive approach. So, we have plenty of ideas. We are testing a lot of ideas internally, and maybe only one will go to market. "In Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Revelations, III, and IV: Black Flag, Ubisoft implemented a multiplayer mode where you had to disguise yourself as an NPC while also trying to hunt down and kill other players. In Assassin's Creed Unity, Ubisoft changed multiplayer to be less competitive and more cooperative. You and up to three other players could tackle different side stories with your own custom Assassins, and also take on much larger Heists where completing the mission objective without being spotted would net your team massive in-game monetary rewards. Ubisoft cut multiplayer from Assassin's Creed Rogue, Syndicate, and Origins, and there are currently no plans to implement any multiplayer features in Odyssey.Odyssey will be the last Assassin's Creed game for a while, as Ubisoft is not releasing another entry in the franchise in 2019. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is one of the largest games in the series to date, and we're loving it. In our Assassin's Creed Odyssey review, editor Alessandro Fillari gave the game an 8/10, writing, "While its large-scale campaign--clocking in at over 50 hours--can occasionally be tiresome, and some features don't quite make the impact they should, Odyssey makes great strides in its massive and dynamic world, and it's a joy to venture out and leave your mark on its ever-changing setting."Info from Gamespot.com
The new trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse prominently features six alternate versions of the Spider-Men/Spider-Women that make up the vast web of the Spider-Verse. However, there are brief snippets of other notable Spidey timelines and stories, including an Easter egg to 2018's Marvel's Spider-Man.If you pause the trailer at 1:39, you'll see display cases for certain spider suits in the background. Over Aunt May's shoulder, you'll spy the Advanced Suit that Peter Parker wears in Marvel's Spider-Man, marked with its trademark white spider design. It comes as no huge surprise to see a reference to Marvel's Spider-Man in the upcoming Into the Spider-Verse movie, as Insomniac's Spider-Man--confirmed to be a part of Earth 1048--is recruited by Superior Spider-Man to participate in Spider-Verse's sequel story, Spider-Geddon.Into the Spider-Verse's previous trailer already showcased one of the Peter Parkers (probably Earth 616, but it hasn't been confirmed) as well as Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man from Earth 1610, and Gwen Stacy's Spider-Ghost, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65. This new trailer introduced three more spiders: Earth-14512's SP//dr, Earth-90214's Spider-Man Noir, and Earth-8311's Spider-Ham.SP//dr is the superhero codename for Peni Parker, a nine-year-old girl who lets a radioactive spider bite her so she can bond with a spider-like mech suit her deceased father used to pilot, a responsibility her Uncle Ben and Aunt May inform her that only she can do. Spider-Man Noir is another Peter Parker, but from an alternate universe where the present day is 1933 during the Great Depression. Spider-Ham is the alias of Peter Porker, a spider who's bitten by his adoptive Aunt May Porker, a pig, after she's accidentally irradiated. He transforms into a pig as well, but discovers he retains all the abilities he had as a spider.Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse sees Miles Morales meeting several of the spiders from alternative dimensions, including Peter Parker who offers to train the fledgling Spider-Man. The web-slingers of the Spider-Verse must band together to stop their clashing dimensions from destroying Miles' reality, as well as return the members of their respective rogues gallery to the correct universes. The movie debuts in U.S. theaters on December 14.Info from Gamespot.com
Blizzard has announced the first new Overwatch Legendary skin that players will be able to earn in 2018's Halloween Terror event. This year, Doomfist is getting a new holiday-themed skin that transforms him into a Swamp Monster.The new Legendary skin gives Doomfist a scaly blue complexion, as well as gills and horned fins. The skin honestly makes Doomfist look more like the Amphibian Man from The Shape of Water than the swamp monsters seen in other stories like Goosebumps and Scooby-Doo. Doomfist's Legendary Swamp Monster skin won't be available until Halloween Terror starts, and you'll no longer be able to unlock it once Halloween ends.Just keep swimming.Make a splash as SWAMP MONSTER DOOMFIST (Legendary)!Overwatch Halloween Terror begins Oct 9! pic.twitter.com/aR4EC7Jmn7 — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 3, 2018Halloween Terror is an annual Overwatch event that adds limited-time Legendary skins, cosmetic map changes, and a PvE mode to the game. Each Legendary skin can be found in a holiday-themed loot box or bought for 3000 credits, and the skins from previous years return at a discount. Outside of this period, you're unable to earn Overwatch's Halloween-themed Legendary skins.The PvE mode is called Jenkenstein's Revenge. It tells the story of an alternate world, where Dr. Junkenstein (Junkrat) and the Witch of the Wilds (Mercy) are trying to take over the fictional kingdom of Adlersbrunn. Both evil entities are opposed by the Alchemist (Ana), the Gunslinger (McCree), the Archer (Hanzo), the Soldier (Solder 76), the Countess (Widowmaker), the Swordsman (Genji), the Monk (Zenyatta), and the Viking (Torbjorn). The only clue as to how this year's Halloween Terror continues the story is a mysterious riddle that Overwatch tweeted out.Halloween Terror starts on October 9 and continues to October 31. Overwatch is available on Xbox One, PS4, and Switch.Info from Gamespot.com
It's October again, and that means time for Halloween festivities throughout a whole host of online games. Many announcements have already begun to outline the upcoming festivities, so we're keeping track of all the spooky specials. Many of these will be time-limited events with special rewards, like the Overwatch Halloween Terror event, so check out the active dates and plan your gaming accordingly.DauntlessThe Dauntless Dark Harvest event will kick off in the middle of the month, casting a shadow on the hub city of Ramsgate. It will introduce a new cult known as the Unseen, who worship a Behemoth. Slayers can test their might against a new Behemoth in the Shattered Isles and stores will offer limited-time exclusive items.DatesBegins October 17FortniteThe entire season is somewhat spooky, with the Darkness Rises theme and skins like the Dire Wolf. However, a more particular Halloween theme appears to be on the way, as we've gotten a look at some special Halloween cosmetics on the way. Those include skins, back bling, gliders, and pickaxes. No word yet on what creepy world events might be ringing in the seasonal content.DatesUnknownFurther ReadingFortnite Halloween Skins LeakedHearthstoneHearthstone's annual "Hallow's End" celebration starts on October 17 and lasts through Halloween on October 31. Logging in during the event will net you a free golden Witch's Cauldron card, and the Headless Horseman will return for a new Tavern Brawl starring the characters from the Monster Hunt mode. You'll also be able to take part in a dual class Arena mode, and characters will use Hallow's End emotes. Finally, the event will accompany the launch of a new Paladin hero for purchase,DatesOctober 17-31Further ReadingOfficial SiteKilling Floor 2Killing Floor 2 has already introduced its Halloween Horrors: Monster Masquerade update. The sprawling update includes a new Monster Ball map, along with Halloween-themed looks and effects for all the zeds and bosses. Plus you can access new weapons and limited-time items to take them all down.DatesAvailable NowFurther ReadingOfficial SiteOverwatchOverwatch's annual Halloween Terror event is once again getting ready to kick off, and Blizzard has started to drop hints of what's to come with a riddle. Each year the Halloween Terror event continues the story of Junkenstein's monster, and this one appears to be no different. It's also always a host to several new Halloween-themed skins, emotes, sprays, and more. We've already seen Doomfist dressed up like a swamp monster and Moira as a Banshee, and there's sure to be more to come.DatesOctober 9-31Splatoon 2The Splatoon 2 version of a Halloween gathering is a twist on its usual monthly Splatfests, appropriately named Splatoween. It will start October 19 and last through October 21, with players picking their sides in a Turf Wars between Team Trick and Team Treat. Inkopolis will also be updated with Halloween decorations, and the squid kids will get a chance at four special Splatoween headgear that can be kept after the event is over. You'll have to go through the Nintendo Switch News app to get them, however.DatesOctober 19-21Info from Gamespot.com